Where is the bone?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Three Things I know to be True

I have been blessed with above average intelligence for a dog.  I know this because my human is always surprised by the things I do, even when it is a simple as sitting when asked.  So when it comes to 3 things I know to be true the biggest challenge was to think of only 3 things to share with you.  I thought about this all day, when I was chewing my bone, when I was chasing the birds, when I was having a nap and even when I was running around.  After giving it some thought, I chose 3 things I wanted to tell you about.

Grass is fun.  There you have it! Who knew? Being the city dog that I am, I'm more accoustumed to trotting on pavement and spongy stuff but grass! Wow! It is great on the paws and what's even better is you can eat it.  Did you know that? I sure didn't but I have been munching away on it for days now.  I am thinking about going to play in the grass again soon.  Next time, you should join me.

Rumors are easy to start.  I discovered this accidentally to be honest.  I was trying to impress the other dogs in my pack (yes, I'm part of a "pack", the leader of the pack actually) when I suggested that I had a girlfriend.  Now this is not really true but the other dogs were so impressed I just wagged my tail whenever they asked a question and the rumor was started. 

Paw prints leave unwanted evidence.  Whenever I am caught doing something my human wished I would not do, you know things like hiding her shoe, I end up being caught because my paws lead right to the scene of the crime.  Paws wet with dirt from outside are a sure way to get caught.  If you want to get away with your sneaky habbits, remember to wash your paws first!

I hope you can use these 3 things to learn something new.  I really am a bright pooch, if I do say so myself, and I do.  How about you?  What can you share with me that you know to be true? I can't wait to hear all about it...

Woof! Woof!