Where is the bone?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ode to Wide Open Spaces

Dear Wide Open Space,

How I love to run free in you.  You welcome me with your never-ending charm and mystery.  As far as my little eyes can see, there is you.  No buildings, no cars, no people, and no other dogs.  How strange it is to see nothing but open space.  You are free and endless.  Not bound by rules, fences or fears.  I envy your courage to be open to all who come your way.

As I marvel at you, I wonder where are the tall buildings that usually surround me? Where are the honking horns?  Where are the people cluttering the sidewalks? Where are the tiny dogs that bark their hellos?

Nothing here but you.  Space.  I drink in the silence, the trees rustling in the wind and the birds chirping in the distance.  Oh nature of grass and trees, birds and bees.  You wrap around me like a hug and I embrace you.  The silence is deafening and the space frees me.

I run trying to find the end of you.  Running fast and free but I never reach your edges.  Like the air I breathe, you keep going to eternity.  I have always been surrounded by things but now I am surrounded by openness.  You.  Stay with me and I will stay with you.

Woof! Woof!

Your friend and admirer,



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